

Reglugerð Kaldvíkur - Staðfest 13 júní 2023

Nafn fyrirtækisins

Nafn fyrirtækisins er Kaldvík

Starfsemi fyrirtækisins

Markmið fyrirtækisins er fiskeldi og önnur tengd starfsemi, m.a. eignarhald og þátttaka í öðrum fyrirtækjum með sömu starfsemi, og fyrirtækið áskilur sér rétt til ytri fjárveitinga og lána.

Share capital

The Company’s share capital is NOK 12,226,124.90 divided into 122,261,249 shares each with a nominal value of NOK 0.10.

The Company’s share shall be registered in a securities register (the Norwegian Central Securities Depository (VPS)).

The Company’s share shall be freely transferable.

Board of directors

The Company’s share shall be registered in a securities register (the Norwegian Central Securities Depository (VPS)).

Signatory rights

The Company’s share shall be freely transferable.

General meeting

Documents concerning matters to be considered at the Company’s general meeting, including documents which by law must be included in or enclosed with the notice of the general meeting, need not be sent to shareholders if the documents are made available on the Company’s website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a shareholder may request a copy of documents which concern matters to be considered at the general meeting.

The annual General Meeting shall deal with and decide the following matters:
Approval of the annual accounts and the annual report, including distribution of dividend.
Other issues, which according to the law or the Articles of Association come under the General Meeting.

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Kaldvík ehf.

Strandgata 18,

735 Eskifjordur


© 2025 Kaldvik